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Writer's pictureBistra Stoimenova

On education and other mishaps

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

Education (rumour has it) is a mess

and you have to handle lots of stress.

The more you go, the worse it gets

to top it all - it's organized in sets.

From dusk til dawn you need to study

and coffee becomes your best buddy.

Then kicked out in this brave new world

with a piece of paper of unproven worth.

In this I'm quite the expert I might say -

some pretty endless years lived this way. Passed through that twisted system in full The results of my efforts were what? Simply null.

Now let me share with you this sad tale

of how I survived the education gale.

Lets go back to a place where memory fades where a girl aims to get really high grades.

'Do good and school and thou shall succeed and knowledge is the only tool you'll need.' This was her motto and her daily song

That illusion, however, did not last for long.

For she entered the doors of higher education, a land with no sense and a dead-end station. A place where common sense lies chained and after a fortnight your brain feels drained.

'You either sink or swim!' was then she told and as she was aiming to be playing bold,

was left to sail the sea of the unknown without a map or a boat and all alone.

You quickly learn that logic is reversed

and have to memorize until you burst.

The more you think, the worse you do

and if it's not referenced, it's not true.

It is a rigid place for a creative mind

especially if not of the obliging kind.

Hence, some 8 years and 4 diplomas later, that girl is all alone for her needs to cater.

The moral of this story's pretty clear -

do not trust all nonsense that you hear. Choose wisely - it's one shot you've got

screw it and you'll get an awful lot.

The game is tough and only few survive

for you need more than just mere drive.

That alone cannot feed or pay your bills

as bosses look not for paper but for skills.


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