Of all the days of the working week
Today I want to find out which is best
to find out the most loved (so to speak).
let's put them all through try and test
On Monday you hate the entire world
the job, coffee and the early start of day
and if you are the only one on earth
that needs to work for their bills to pay
Tuesday is a bit more popular (it seems)
As you get used to getting up at six
Still hate your life but have better feelings
but that day is met with emotion mix.
Wednesdays are the hardest of the lot
they sit in the middle of the working week
You try to tackle everything you've got
but in the end you feel worn out and weak.
On Thursdays the sky clears just a bit
As you await the two days off the hook
You пanage all the working shit
and try to sort of do things by the book
Friday's eternal favourite (it's a thing!)
and people celebrate it like new year
as unversal joy it tends to bring
for the weekend (all know) is so near.
The weekend dissapears in a blink
but you have plans for it (nonetheless)Saturday is shorter than you think
so Sunday's left to deal with all the mess
On Sunday morning you simply give in
decide to sleep, relax and roll around
you laze about all day in front of the TV:
no other rest this week you are to find.
Our simple test has made one thing clearPeople are happy when Friday's near
For on workdays we just try to survive
but it's the weekend when we can thrive :)
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