About the mini project and exhibition

For more information, go to my personal page or the Culture Crossroads project page.
2019 marks the 140 anniversary since Sofia became the capital of Bulgaria and the exhibition "Sofia - grows but never ages" shows how the city has evolved through the years, from the beginning of the 20th century till modern times.
Sofia is created out of paradoxes. Loathed by some, adored by others. The capital of Bulgaria is one of the oldest cities in Europe - even before Constantine the Great there were settlements in the area. Many peoples have passed through the territory and left their mark on the place. Today you can find the temples of four religions all co-existing within a square kilometer and to peak into the city's history within the past few thousand years. Often in our busy day, we do not notice the interesting things around us.
The exhibition "Sofia - grows but never ages" aims to show how the landmarks of Old Sofia has changed throughout the years and to be a bridge between the past and the present. All the old images are real and authentic, provided by the Stara Sofia blog. The modern images of Sofia are part of the Culture Crossroads project of Bistra Stoimenova Photography, as well as my final major project in the MA of Photography at Falmouth university. This is my first solo exhibition.